Bind - one pc,two ips ,two dns servers

Anthony M. Rasat anthony.rasat at
Sat Nov 29 01:37:30 UTC 2008

>I should mention, in further to my >earlier post, whatever you are trying
>to do, there is probably a better way >to do it, so maybe you should
>rethink the question?

I think OP wants to make a publishing DNS and a DNS resolver out from a single machine but still adhere to the rule that both shouldn't be from a single BIND server preventing DNS poisoning.

Perhaps it is easier to employ virtualisation instead? VMware server (not open source though it is free)?



Anthony M. Rasat
Manager - Technical, Network and Support Division
PT. Jawa Pos National Network
Graha Pena Jawa Pos Group Building, 5th floor
Jln. Raya Kebayoran Lama 12, Jakarta Barat 12210
Phone 02132185562
Phone 081574217035
Fax 02153651465

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