
user1 bqz69 at telia.com
Fri Nov 28 23:23:59 UTC 2008

On Fri, 2008-11-28 at 21:25 +0100, Nils Kassube wrote:
> Donny George wrote:
> > Recently i installed an ubuntu system with fluxbox to reduce system
> > load, though i like the idea of light weight gui i am having a tough
> > time with it. Could someone guide me to a thread or link by which i can
> > do some basic operations like open a mozilla, as i dont know how to do
> > it
> Can you tell us how you installed that system? Did you use a Fluxbuntu CD 
> for the installation?
> > 
I installed ubuntu with a ubuntu cd.

When ubuntu was running - in gnome - I opened synaptic, and then I
searched for fluxbox, and installed it.
(Remember to click reload in synaptic from time to time). 

Then I restarted ubuntu, and at the login screen I choose Options (lower
left corner) and choose fluxbox instead of gnome, and logged in, and I
was in fluxbox.

When you want to change desktop (gnome or fluxbox) always log out and
follow description as above.

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