Erase cache, clean registry in Linux

Loïc Grenié loic.grenie at
Fri Nov 28 07:11:06 UTC 2008

2008/11/27 Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at>:
> 2008/11/25 Loïc Grenié <loic.grenie at>
>> 2008/11/25 Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at>:
>>> 2008/11/25 Loïc Grenié <loic.grenie at>
>>>>     What you mean is probably false. Lots of programs under
>>>>  Linux create temporary files, for instance Firefox (and other
>>>>  browsers) save a copy of the pages in its disk cache (situated
>>>>  in ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/Cache for Firefox).
>>> Yes, Firefox does, Linux doesn't.
>>     It really depends on what you call Linux
>> -  Linux = the kernel does not create temporary files
>> -  GNU/Linux or whatever Linux distribution contains lots of
>>   programs that create temporary files.
> As I said, I am not an expert, but when you say "programs", what kind of
> programs are you referring to?

    All what you can find in the distribution.

> Everything that happens to be included in a
> distribution (for example Emacs,, GIMP, Ardour, Inkscape and
> VLC) or only those you absolutely need to be able to do or control something
> (for example System watch, Synaptic and Networḱ configuration)?
> Personally I don't consider Media Player and Internet Explorer as a part of
> Windows, even though they are included with the operating system by default.

     I understand your point and partially agree. This is a touch call, though:
  synaptic, system watch (what is it ? swatch ?) and network configuration
  are not necessary to control anything. There are less colorfull alternatives
  that do the job as well (apt-*/dpkg, vi/more/less and vi/dhcp respectively).
  You choose to include them in your definition of "Operating System" but that's
  your choice.

   My definition is easier: Linux=kernel,
  To the original point: the kernel does not create temporary files,
the programs
  in the rest of the distribution (sometimes) do.

    Media Player and IE are part of the "Windows Distribution" but not part
  of the "Windows Kernel". Media Player can be substituted but IE can
  only to a certain point (that's Microsoft way of fighting antitrust).

> So if I am not happy with some behaviour of a certain program I will look
> for an alternative and/or let the developers know what my opinions are. For
> example (lots of examples here…), when I found that Nautilus, after being
> updated, suddenly started to add "Link to " to link names when creating a
> link by using the mouse, I filed a bug report about it (actually I didn't,
> because there already was one, but I added my comments and workarounds to
> it) and I looked for another program. Unfortunately I didn't found one that
> I liked, but at least I tried.

     Cool ! Try KDE if you have not already.


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