
Keith Clark keithclark at k-wbookworm.com
Thu Nov 27 17:03:36 UTC 2008

Nigel Henry wrote:
> On Thursday 27 November 2008 17:15, Keith Clark wrote:
>> I am trying to install updates but i get the following error:
>>> Unable to get an exclusive lock
>>> This usually means that another package management application (like
>>> apt-get or aptitude) is already running. Please close that application
>>> first.
>> I am not running any other apt-get or aptitude to my knowledge.
>> Keith
> It's probably some "search for updates daemon" that is running when you login. 
> Personally, and being on dialup, I try to disable all this stuff, as it's a 
> bit too much like Windows. Rant aside, if you leave it for a few minutes, 
> then try for the updates again, you may well find that the problem is 
> resolved.
> Nigel.

Thanks!  That was exactly it.  I guess it was not finished with its 
searching for updates function when I tried to start it up.

All is good now.  Thanks for the quick response!


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