How to run a script on shut down

Erik Christiansen dvalin at
Thu Nov 27 02:31:28 UTC 2008

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 08:57:26PM -0500, CLIFFORD ILKAY wrote:
> apt-get install kcron

kIs kthere ka kneed kto koverspecialise kstandard kstuff?

Ray, you'll normally find that cron is already installed.
Since your application doesn't need to worry about what happens when the
machine is off for a few days, you won't need to install anacron either.
(At least that offers something not already there. ;-)

> Couldn't get simpler that, but you've been already told this and seem to
> have a penchant for doing things the hard way. :) And no, it doesn't
> matter if you use Gnome. KDE apps will run just fine on Gnome too.

It can be simpler. Use the standard generic tool which is already there. :-)


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