Access Database on Linux

Ray Parrish crp at
Wed Nov 26 20:57:55 UTC 2008

Michael.Coll-Barth at wrote:
>> From: Ray Parrish
>>>>  I can add to an existing database with ASP once 
>> one is on the 
>>>> server,, but it's a chicken or the egg situation without 
>> first having 
>>>> one to write to.
> If all you need is that 'seed' DB, then download the tutorial database,
> NorthWind from Microsoft.  A thought, off the cuff...
Ahhhhh! Exactly what I need. 8-) The guys at the W3C forum on ASP were 
telling me I could empty an existing database, and start over with it, 
and I was wondering where I could get one.

Thank you, you have solved my problem. [I hope]

Later, Ray Parrish

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