Access Database on Linux

Ray Parrish crp at
Wed Nov 26 19:39:54 UTC 2008

Rashkae wrote:
> Rashkae wrote:
>> Nils Kassube wrote:
>>> Ray Parrish wrote:
>>>> Isn't Mickeysoft Access a pay for play situation? I'm not able to buy
>>>> much in the way of software, but I do have Windows XP Home on dual boot
>>>> if there are any free Access clones available.
>>> Yes, pay for play, what else would you expect from Microsoft? I have never 
>>> heard of Access clones, so you can decide to either buy MS Access or get 
>>> another hosting package.
>> Well, possible,,, I've never really tried this, so YMMV.
>> An Access data file can be plugged into the system as an odbc data
>> source.  (run odbcad32admin in Windows XP).  I think you need an access
>> file to start with, so maybe someone can send you an empty file?  You
>> should then be able to manipulate that database with any Windows ODBC
>> database program (can Open Office Base do this?)
>> But really, I can't see how this roundabout nonsense can be of any use
>> to anyone for web hosting.
> After all that, I just saw on this a few posts above this one about
> patches to a package called mdbtools.  I haven't looked at it, but my
> spider sense is tingling, this is perhaps what the OP was looking for.
Hello again,

Well, that's looking like a possibility, but there is precious little 
documentation with that set of tools. I also note that SourceForge also 
has a package called dert which can also create Access Databases on 
Linux, so I'll have a look at it too.

Thanks for the tip!

Later, Ray Parrish

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