Gibberish in Ubuntu when dealing with documents / websites

H.S. hs.samix at
Wed Nov 26 16:15:52 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> As my native language is not ASCII-compatible, myself and other Ubuntu
> users in my area often have problems with Gibberish (wrongly-encoded
> text) when exchanging documents with users of non-UTF-8 operating
> systems *ahem* MS Windows *ahem*. I would like to know if other people
> / locales suffer from this problem. If so, please send to me the
> letters of your alphabet so that I can try to compie a list of
> problematic letters (see my .sig for examples of some alphabets). I am
> trying to write a script that will help decode this Gibberish back
> into the correct encoding, but I need to know which letters are
> problematic for other Ubuntu users. Thanks.

hmm ... not sure why you face that problem exactly. If the sender is
sending in Unicode font and your system understands that (UTF-8
perhaps), it should be working.

If your system is UTF-8 and you are not able to read a message from a
another user on another operating system, then either that message is
not in UTF-8 or your system does not have the necessary unicode fonts
installed. I suppose latter is not the case here. For the former case,
that message is most probably in formatted form using some font based on
ascii. In that case, as far as I know, there is not much you can do
other than to install that particular form and read that message in its
original formatted form (most probably html).

Am I understanding your scenario correctly?


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