HELP !!! No more task-bare and menu bare

Carl Friis-Hansen ubuntuuser at
Wed Nov 26 13:38:36 UTC 2008

Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:
>> I am very surprised that Alt-F2 doesn't work. This is bad. Then I assume 
>> that Ctrl-Alt-F1 doesn't work either. However, if it does, then just 
>> execute the commands from there.  If you cannot get a terminal in any 
>> way, then I would personally restore all the "/home/you/.*" files from 
>> your backup in that you restore missing or different. You might want a 
>> second opinion on this restore thing though.
> I thought the Alt-F2 shortcut was supplied by...the taskbar?

Hmmm... I am not sure. Long time ago I had a similar problem and that 
didn't stop Alt-F2 from working. He should though be able to start a new 
terminal login from his root session and there login as himself and 
execute the commands to get the bars back. Could he have changed the 
screen resolution and thus the bars disappeared out of sight?

       | Carl Friis-Hansen               | Fiskeryd Nybygget |
       | | 341 91  Ljungby   |
       | Phone: +46 (0)372 15033         | Sweden            |

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