What to do to get a fix in 8.04?
Rolf Kutz
rk at vzsze.de
Wed Nov 26 09:46:27 UTC 2008
Hello Sam,
I was abroad hence the late reply.
On 04/11/08 19:05 +0000, Sam Tygier wrote:
>Matthew East wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Rolf Kutz <rk at vzsze.de> wrote:
>>> Bug #203016 has been open for more than half a
>>> year and it's mayor annoyance. There is a patch
>>> for it since month, too. What is neccessary to get
>>> the fix released to Hardy Heron 8.04 LTS?
>> The necessary steps are outlined here:
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates
>> This page may also be relevant: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess
>I can recommend this. even if you dont think of yourself as an ubuntu developer. i have done it for a few bugs
>If you are able to find the patch (from upstream's SVN or something posted on a blog), patch the source code, and compile it into something that works, then you are easily skillful enough.
>you should read a bit about packaging.
>then make a debdiff
>the people in #ubuntu-motu are helpful
There has been a patch and a package already, that
has been reported to work. Do I need to package it
regards, Rolf
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