Optical Drive query

Rashkae ubuntu at tigershaunt.com
Wed Nov 26 03:40:02 UTC 2008

squareyes wrote:
> Hi all,
> could some one enlighten me, the optical drive on my Lenovo laptop
> can "See" bootable CD/DVDs, and install operating systems, but will not 
> "See" any other CD's when systems installed.
> This is true for both Win XP and Ubuntu 8.04. I have an external drive 
> connected via USB, which works fine
> for all discs.
> My query is... Does the external drive use the same driver that the 
> internal drive should be using? , or am I missing something? Don't wish 
> to use Win XP, (they have sent me a set of recovery discs for Vista that 
> will not install properly) but now need it for Lenovo support as they 
> tell me that with Linux I am on my own. Have been told that as machine 
> is not in original config, that is my problem, but recovery discs won't 
> solve problem.

If the recovery discs don't work, then that *is* Lenovo's problem.
Linux has nothing to do with it, as the recovery disc should be a boot
disc that restores the system.  If the system is unable to restore
itself, that's their issue.

When you're talking to Lenovo tech support, don't even mention Linux,,
just say you are trying to use their recovery CD and explain where it
goes splat... I suspect obscure hardware issues.

This should go without saying, but if you still have Linux on your
system, be sure to backup your data and or /home partition before using
the recovery CD's.... it will be erased.

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