how NOT to have "landscape" related message when log in SSH

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Wed Nov 26 00:36:33 UTC 2008

--- On Tue, 11/25/08, Soo-Hyun Choi <s.choi at> wrote:

> Thanks for pointing out the mailing etiquette. But that
> guide can be a
> general recommendation, but cannnot be the ultimate rule to
> all cases.
> Everyone here has a right/ability to decide whether to
> reply "in-line
> or "top-post" according to their decision
> criteria.
> If you have seen my earlier top-posted message, you will
> see the
> reasonable reason why I did that. If you don't, then
> that is your own
> discretion but not mine. But, it was still useful to remind
> us the
> *general* mailing rules.
> Well, you can still *recommend* to others to follow the
> rule strictly,
> but cannot enforce. (It sounded to me that you are trying
> to enforce
> the guideline to us by quoting and linking, etc. If not,
> sorry about
> my misunderstanding.)
Can't inforce the rules?  Well, no, that's correct.  But people can just stop responding to your request because you refuse to follow etiquette rules and list rules. Several people have kindly asked you to do so, but you adamantly refuse. You are far from the first one to be asked to follow the rules. Am occasional top post is not so bad especially if it's a final solved message, but you refuse to accept that top posting makes followintg a thread difficult and a nuisance. I suspect many will just quit responting if you continue to do so.

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