Unable to resolve host by name

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 26 00:11:19 UTC 2008

On 11/25/2008 03:46 PM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> --- On Tue, 11/25/08, Bob Cortez <rjcortez at gmail.com> wrote:
>> From: Bob Cortez <rjcortez at gmail.com>
>> Subject: Unable to resolve host by name
>> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 5:19 PM
>> Connecting two computers on a local network, both running
>> intrepid.  Had
>> this working in 8.04.
>> The server is media contents of /etc/hosts includes
>>  localhost media
>>  media
> I think part of your issue is in the above hosts file. IINM, media should only be in the I only have localhost in and my hostname in  HTH,

That's incorrect. The hosts file looks fine.

The issue is most likely:


This should be: media and/or the IP of media.

So, open RDP and :

Host: media
Port: 5900


Host: <IP address of media>
Port: 5900

Make sure that you can actually ping 'media'.

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