Partition Software for Linux.

Brian McKee brian.mckee at
Tue Nov 25 18:17:53 UTC 2008

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 1:06 PM, saad rafiq <saadgirach1 at> wrote:
> Hello
> I want to develop disk management software for linux using c# programming
> language which will have following features in it.

Hi Saad

I'm not a developer, but I thought a few comments on your post might
be helpful anyway.

The way you put it makes it sound like 'homework' for a computer
related class, and homework requests that sound too much like 'can you
do this for me' often get poor results.

Judging solely by your name (which is a terrible way to do it) it's
possible English is not your first language, if so, I may be
completely misreading your request.  Unfortunately if I do, others
likely do too.

I'm curious why C# - As I understand it, it's not a popular choice for
linux development.  I would guess it's doable, but just wondering why
that specification.

I'm also curious why you are 'reinventing the wheel' as they say -
there's lots of programs like this out there.

If it's just to learn C# then more power to you, but I think it would
help your posting if you explained that a bit more.

Lastly, I would guess this list isn't the best one for you.  A more
developer centric c# mailing list will likely get better results.


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