Console Client? Putty's not up to scratch..

Silent Ph03nix silentph03nix at
Tue Nov 25 16:52:44 UTC 2008

Christopher J Combrink wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm using /Putty/ with 8.10 atm with only one gripe:
> I can't copy or paste into the console. Makes saving configs a royal
> pain in the ass!
> I am using a laptop. Does anyone here have a solution, or a reliable
> substitute.
> (I've tried Minicom with no success as I'm using a USB to Serial
> converter.
> I have run a tail and the 'serial' is set to ttyUSB0 as it should be -
> still no magic).
> Any help would be much appreciated =]
> CJC 
Depends on whether you want to copy into our out of putty, but it's
essentially the same thing.  Here's what I did: 

open putty
log in
did an ls just for some text, highlight the text, this copies it to the
gnome clipboard. 
open gedit
middle click to paste the text. 

down lower in gedit, I typed ls -l
highlighted that, right click copy
middle click in putty to paste the ls -l into the window.  Worked like a

Getting used to the middle click paste takes some getting used to, but
it does work.  Not sure if it can be changed, but that's the way to
copy(cut) and paste in putty in Ubuntu.

Q:	What do monsters eat?
A:	Things.

Q:	What do monsters drink?
A:	Coke.  (Because Things go better with Coke.)

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