GMT package coastlines

Lorenzo Luengo lluengo at
Mon Nov 24 21:30:36 UTC 2008

Hi all,

Is there any way to create packages to install the full resolution 
coastlines for gmt? (gmt stands for "generic mapping tools", not 
Greenwich mean time ;))

gmt-coastline-data package description claims

"Originally there were two more coastline packages (gmt-coast-high and -full)
 but they were to big for our servers and pulled from the distribution."

But i've seen some packages that when being installed, pull data from an external site using ftp or http (like java or adobe flash), and this could be done to overcome this issue and save ubuntu's server space.

I hope someone has an idea how to fix this, because it's a pain in the 
ass to install the mapping data manually for lots of students here.

Lorenzo Luengo Contreras
Administrador de Sistemas DGEO
Universidad de ConcepciĆ³n
ConcepciĆ³n - Chile

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