Suspend and hibernate in 8.10

Anthony M. Rasat anthony.rasat at
Mon Nov 24 01:21:29 UTC 2008

>I am using Ubuntu on a Vulcan >Flipstart http://>

This is first time I hear this gadget. Keyboard's lit so it's looks like Blackberry on steroid. Nice. Not a US citizen so I assumed Sprint Broadband-ready means 3G/HSDPA? RAM is little small though but it'll be fine running Ubuntu.

>Neither suspend or hibernate >works. On resume I get a >unrecoverable blank screen and >the keyboard is locked up. Can >anyone give any suggestions?

I also assuming it is Intel-chipsets inside? Then it is pretty much similar to Asus EEE. You might want test it. There are good infos and clues from EEE users websites:

I particularly using Ricey tweak script on Asus EEE to get automated tweaks. That have save my hair from scratching and pulling hard.

I think you want to look inside that script and leave irrelevant stuffs (says WiFi chipset is not the same, etc) or test it one by one. That script is commented so I think you will find a clue what it'll do beforehand. You may want to check the ACPI settings.



Anthony M. Rasat
Manager - Technical, Network and Support Division
PT. Jawa Pos National Network
Graha Pena Jawa Pos Group Building, 5th floor
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