Help - Adding size to a document? More security

Manuel Gomez mgdpz1 at
Sun Nov 23 18:22:07 UTC 2008

No, if the size is larger the download will be larger (5 kbs 10 sec, 500
mb a couple of days) because it must download all. It's very simple.
It's possible that this don't work in some cases but it's a tool. 

El dom, 23-11-2008 a las 12:48 -0500, Bart Silverstrim escribió:
> Manuel Gomez wrote:
> > In fact, my pc is firewalled, hardened and any directories are
> > encrypted, but i want a solution for this.
> Who told you that making documents larger will prevent trojans on Linux 
> from transferring them off your computer?
> Somehow making it take longer will make trojan programs think twice 
> about stealing it? Who'd have thunk making my letter to Mom four hundred 
> meg would protect my computer from infections... :-)

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