e-mail sending from a hotmail account via evolution

bulut dinibutun bulut19 at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 23 01:31:39 UTC 2008

well i have to say "let me google that for you" was rude. i don't know if you've found the answer by googling but i couldn't since hotmail doesn't provide smtp service for free! as it comes to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=200408 thanks whoever posted it but this thread was the original thread i followed to set my hotmail account for evolution. In the posts it is only said i shold use my ISP as smtp.xxxx.xxx.com/net and the port. but i couldn't figure out what it should be for hotmail. thanks to every1 who actually replies to help. any other solutions?

Windows Live Hotmail now works up to 70% faster.
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