A plea to the list - post trimming

Kenneth P. Turvey kt at squeakydolphin.com
Fri Nov 21 17:54:15 UTC 2008

On Tue, 18 Nov 2008 15:30:38 +0000, Steve Flynn wrote:

> Will people PLEASE trim posts when replying.
> I spend something like 9 hours a week sitting on a train - this is a
> great time for me to catch up on the list via my phone. As it's a phone
> it has a small screen and I also pay for data downloads over a
> relatively slow connection.
> When someone posts a 90 line email, quoting reams and reams of text
> which is not actually required to put the reply into context, it's
> astoundingly annoying.
> Please trim posts to something sensible - all you need to quote is
> enough info to put your reply in context. The entire thread thus far is
> overkill, adds nothing to the discussion and means everyone else has to
> scroll to the bottom of the entire message to see "Thanks" (and you will
> be bottom posting won't you!)

Just a note.. for low bandwidth you might find it easier to use an NNTP 
interface to the list.  I'm reading this from gmane.org using NNTP.  
Depending on how your email is configured this might save you from 
downloading the bodies of articles you aren't interested in.  

Kenneth P. Turvey <kt at squeakydolphin.com>

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