So Unstable and driving me mad!!

Mark Haney mhaney at
Thu Nov 20 17:58:59 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:
> WipeOut wrote:

>     You don't tell us what hardware you have. But I have Intrepid on my 
> Cheap Laptop and it runs just great now that the lack of sound has been 
> corrected I have no known problems as of now.
>     I bet your computer is pretty old...
> Karl

That's BULL.  Complete bollocks.  Look, it doesn't matter the age of the 
box.  In fact, I've seen more hardware failures/issues from new 
equipment than older equipment (mechanical devices aside.)  Back in the 
old days we were told, when first getting a new system (or building one) 
to fire it up and leave it running continuously for several days 
(usually 3 or more) to allow the boards to 'burn in'.  I still do that 
on any new system I build even though they say it's not necessary any 
more.  I've found my systems to be much more stable doing it this way 
than not doing it.

Karl, really.  THINK before assuming anything like this.  If the 
components are solid old computers don't cause crashes like that any 
more than new ones do. A stable older system will run SLOWER perhaps, 
but not be unstable.  (Assuming the system was stable prior and there 
hasn't been any major upgrades or system relocations.)

Besides this answer being utterly and completely WRONG, it's without any 
useful suggestions as well.

I implore you, I can't stop you from saying pointless crap, but if you 
do (which you will) at least offer some suggestions so that your posts 
aren't complete wastes of peoples bandwidth.

Frustra laborant quotquot se calculationibus fatigant pro inventione 
quadraturae circuli

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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