Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 19 20:52:55 UTC 2008

Searching google on the subject gave no solution or insight. I have a simple column(P) of numbers formatted as US currency. There are spaces between the numbers as the descriptions to the left are too long for one line. While using the summation icon in the function bar several lines below the list of numbers and in the same column(P) the answer it gives is in error low by 137. Have deleted the sum() function and entered it again several times but no joy. The problem seem to first occur after adding to the list of numbers and moving the sum() function down the column to make room for the additional numbers added to the column.  When I select the function it shows in the title bar, =SUM(P56:P108), which seems to be correct as it includes the first and last entries on the column.
When I use my old trusty TI-34II calculator I get a reproducible number 137 higher than the sum() gives. The spreadsheet is for income tax return itemizing Hurricane Ike losses and those in the USA knows what the IRS does with inaccurate returns. Yep, I was one of the many that got 4 feet of water in the house, but could have been worse if we were closer to the coast line. Would appreciate anyone knowing what might be causing this error to give me a clue. It would be very appreciated.

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net

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