[Shutting down ALSA] Re: Intrepid Sound Fix

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Tue Nov 18 01:22:23 UTC 2008

NoOp wrote:
> On 11/17/2008 01:31 PM, Karl Larsen wrote:
>> NoOp wrote:
>>> On 11/17/2008 09:03 AM, Frans wrote:
>>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/288863 seems 
>>>> related. So maybe just wait a bit longer before powering of the machine. 
>>>> (It _shouldn't_ take minutes of course).
>>> <http://www.google.com/search?complete=0&hl=en&q=ubuntu+%2Bintrepid+%2B%22Shutting+down+ALSA%22>
>>> and
>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-utils/+bug/274995
>>> [ MASTER storing ALSA mixer element values during shutdown hangs
>>> nondeterministically if non-loopback network interfaces are still up]
>>> Perhaps this is what Daniel T Chen was trying to toubleshoot w/Karl.
>>> Karl, now that you can replicate the issue, you might want to pick up
>>> the part of the thread with Daniel & get him the URL from the script he
>>> asked you to run yesterday?
>>     Sorry but the total URL is gone I fear. It appeared in a terminal of 
>> a few days ago. I will look but right now I'm using Vista to see if the 
>> $3.50 Blue Tooth Dongal I bought works. It has a cd-rom with windows 
>> drivers I think :-)
>> Karl
> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user/165123
> and
> <quote>
> Please navigate to http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh and save the
> text file (named as "alsa-info.sh") to your Desktop.  Next, open a
> Terminal/Konsole, and type:
> bash ~/Desktop/alsa-info.sh
> </quote>
    Hi here is a new one I just made:
Your ALSA information is located at 

Please inform the person helping you.

karl at karl-laptop:~/Desktop$

Hope this will help. I am having fits with broken windows things I just 
bought! I hope it isn't a trend.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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