Intrepid Sound Fix

Karl Larsen k5di at
Mon Nov 17 19:10:54 UTC 2008

Frans wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Nov 2008 08:49:31 -0700, Karl Larsen wrote:
>> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>> Steve Flynn wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 11:41 PM, Karl Larsen <k5di at> wrote:
>>     I just discovered how the Alsamixer gets re-set to no sound. I
>> wanted to just re-boot to Grub but Intrepid stopped and would not go
>> past the init step of turning off alsa. I watched it for a few minutes
>> and hit the power off.
> Could you please post the _exact_ error message?

    There is no error message. The turn-off just stops and on the left 
it says "turning alsa off" and on the right is a curser that just goes 
on and off for at least 3 minutes. I get mad and turn the power off.
>>     Later I booted up and no sound. Even the sound devise on the upper
>> edge of the screen had a red cross. You fix this by turning the master
>> up and then right clicking it and turning it on. But still no sound.
>>     I started alsamixer and sure enough it was turned down to zero. So
>> turned that back up.
>>     Conclusion: There is something wrong with the re-boot script and it
>> needs to be fixed or, there is something wrong with the alsamixer
>> software.
>> Karl
> I don't think it is something wrong in the "re-boot script". I think if 
> you shutdown you'll get the same error. I think the problem is in a 
> script that stops alsa. Anyhow, not being able to shutdown properly seems 
> to me quite serious.
> A workaround just for getting sound on reboot might be to use 'alsactl 
> store' when you have sound (see 'man alsactl'). With luck the 'good' 
> alsamixer settings will get restored when the system boots the next time.
> Good luck!
>     -Frans  
Amazing! I did alsactl store and it complained it could not store at 
/var/.../ so I tried sudo alsactl store and looked and it has put a new 
file there.

I think this will solve the sound problem.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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