Intrepid Sound Problems

Davide Corio davide.corio at
Sun Nov 16 20:07:40 UTC 2008

On Sun, 2008-11-16 at 13:00 -0700, Karl Larsen wrote:
>  I am getting all updates from the Intrepid repository.

be sure of that, because the intrepid-proposed repos is situated in a
separated tab in synaptic.

>     These guys want you to delete pulse audio. I am not at all sure the 
> sound problem is tied to pulse audio. It works great on Hardy.

this is not true. in that howto they show a "per application" guide to
the pulseaudio configuration.
They suggest to disable pulseaudio only if the previous configurations

Davide Corio
email: davide.corio<at>

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