Ubuntu Intrepid is flawed

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Sun Nov 16 12:22:23 UTC 2008

David Fox wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 3:34 PM, Karl Larsen <k5di at zianet.com> wrote:
>>    Well I have done so much screwing around trying things I think my
>> loaded version of Intrepid is beyond help. So to really try to solve
>> this problem is there a way I can apt-get install the Hardy kernel on my
>> Intrepid?
> Are you sure that the kernel would be the problem? You can try to
> install a lower version of the kernel, it is not too difficult but if
> you aptitude install linux-image-2.6 you get the latest available
> package for that series of kernels, which is currently 2.6.27
> something.
> If you already have Hardy, why not try and dist-upgrade it to
> Intrepid, using the available recommended methods to do so? I did
> that, and after a few pitfalls I was able to recover, and get into
> Intrepid where sound works (the Amarok-neon problem's been fixed) and
> nvidia works a hell of a lot better than it did in Hardy.
>> Karl
    That is a great idea! I don't know the kernel is the problem. I want 
to eliminate the kernel as the potential problem.

    But it will be fast to load Hardy which seems to run well on the 
laptop, and then upgrade to Intrepid. This leaves the latest Hardy 
kernel in place among other things. It gives me the Intrepid improved 
GDK which is essential to watching movies and things.

     I have nVidia on this computer and Hardy works fine here. It is 
close to perfect.
The laptop is not nVidia but it has been Intelled which has it's own 

    So I will get started and hope it works.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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