Ubuntu Intrepid is flawed

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Sun Nov 16 00:30:49 UTC 2008

steve wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>     I have been through 50 web pages of people not able to get audio on 
>> their Intrepid and I quit. There was a big error made when Intrepid was 
>> released. It is certain the sound part is flawed. I am not good enough 
>> to figure out what has died.
>>     When I loaded Intrepid it was wonderful. But after a few re-boots 
>> the sound disappeared never to return. I have done some bad things 
>> trying to get it working, following leads that lead no-where. Others 
>> have told me they do not use Intrepid just because of this problem.
>>     On my cheap-laptop I will not use Intrepid, and may try another type 
>> of Linux.
>> Karl
> do you see the glass as half full? or half empty?
> wait.  I already know the answer to that.
> did you have a question to ask? or just complaining?
> You really cannot expect everything to work out of the box on ANY
> distribution or operating system.  You ever try and install XP or Vista
> when it was first released without device drivers,??  If you install an
> operating system on ANY new hardware your going to have problems.  work
> through it,  aimless complaining does no one any good. If the sound card
> doesnt work, email the manufacturer and see how far you get. .... if you
> even get a response.  then, come back here where there are people that
> are here that are willing to help.  for free.

    I didn't expect much but it is quite a shock to have no sound at 
all. I have been using Linux a long while and never had just this 
problem except on Red Hat 9 when they first played with pulseaudio. then 
you could just turn off the offending software.

    As for help there has been a lot so far. I have really tried to find 
a fix but failed.

    What is your problem?




	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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