Need to install Ubuntu via USB

Scott slewin at
Sat Nov 15 13:38:57 UTC 2008

Loïc Grenié wrote:
>      There is probably something wrong going between the USB stack
>   and the USB key. Whether this is a hardware or software problem
>   is unclear...
I will try to see if I can find another USB drive to use and try that.

>>  If I go out and buy a external CD drive that
>> uses USB, would that work just like a regular CD?  I mean, can I just
>> select that CD on the boot devices and then boot from it?
>     I think it depends only on the BIOS of the laptop.
That is too bad.  By off chance nobody would know if a inspiron 1525 
could use a external CD drive?  I have not done a google search yet, but 
will when I get time.

Your friend,

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