cant get more than 800x600 ;(

Szymon Marciniak sajmon313 at
Sat Nov 15 08:49:22 UTC 2008

Hey, I finally made it.

Frrst, displayconfig-gtk dont works. It gives strange grapic (example
when i set 1280x1024 it gives me 640x480 three times and stripes -
i'll show you screenshot later)

Then i've rebooted with xfix option - IT WORKS! :D

Thanks, You're better than any forum.

2008/11/6 Leonard Chatagnier <lenc5570 at>:
> --- On Thu, 11/6/08, Szymon Marciniak <sajmon313 at> wrote:
>> From: Szymon Marciniak <sajmon313 at>
>> Subject: cant get more than 800x600 ;(
>> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
>> Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 5:41 AM
>> Hi!
>> I'm using ubuntu 8.04
>> I dont know why but i cant get resolution higher than
>> 800x600
>> I have geforce 4 and in win xp i can get 1280x1024. But i
>> want only 1024x768
>> First, i tried all i found od the net:
>>  - drivers installed by envyng
>>  - drivers installed by System > Administration >
>> Drivers
>>  - drivers installed by .run file downloaded from nvidia
>> site
>>  - manual changes in xorg.conf
>>  - changing xorg.conf by "sudo nvidia-xconfig"
>>  - nvidia-settings
>> The result is: 800x600, you cant imagine how ugly internet
>> looks in
>> this resolution.
>> i've noticed three werid things:
>> 1. nvidia-settings always tells me "You do not appear
>> to be using the
>> NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file
>> (just run
>> `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. "
>> even if i do "sudo nvidia-xconfig" just before
>> nvidia-settings
> Do you actually have "nvidia" as the video driver in your xorg.conf file(have you actually looked) or is it just "nv".
>> 2. If i change lines in xorg.conf, for example
>> "800x600" to
>> "1024x768", save it, and restart x server, In the
>> file xorg.conf will
>> be 1024x768 but i still cant change resolution
>> Where else are saved modes for graphic card?
>> 3. X server always runs in safe graphic mode, no matter
>> what drivers
>> are installed and what is in xorg.conf
>> So, what can i do?
> So, have you tried booting in recovery mode selecting the 4th item on the popup gui after it fully loads, ie., xfix, letting xfix run to completion then reboot to see if it indeed fix X.  Or, perhaps, I missed where you tried that in this thread. HTH.
> BTW,setting up nvidia proprietary drivers in Hardy is a little flaky, IMHO, and probably worse in Intrepid from what I see reading the list but is doable. I have an lg 22" lcd wide screen and  BFG G71 [GeForce 7300GS] card and was able to set it up in native resolution(1680X1050) with some list help and a lot of tinkering on my own. I've tried everything you listed and also "displayconfig-gtk" which doesn't list my specific monitor or nvidia card and caused a lot of low res issues trying to use it even using the generic drivers. I wouldn't use it again.
> Something else I had to do to get a stable native resolution on my monitor is to add the subsection Display to my xorg.conf in the Section "Screen" as shown below:
> Section "Screen"
>        Identifier      "Default Screen"
>        Monitor         "Configured Monitor"
>        Device          "Configured Video Device"
>        Defaultdepth    24
>        SubSection "Display"
>                Depth   24
>                Virtual 1680    1050
>                Modes           "1680x1050"
>        EndSubSection
> EndSection
> Just substitute the max display res or the one you want to use in "Virtual" and in "Modes" formatted as shown. This all covered on list recently. If you don't have the above SubSection in your xorg.conf, add it first and reboot to see if it fixes things for you.  If not leave it in place and reboot into recovery mode and try "xfix". HTH.
> Leonard Chatagnier
> lenc5570 at
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