Ubumtu Instalation: -phigh Overwriting possibly

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Sat Nov 15 07:07:47 UTC 2008

Luiz Diego wrote:
> Whem I try to enter I get the Menssage Monitor OUT of Range...

Not sure what you mean. Is the login screen OK but when the desktop starts 
it doesn't work any longer?

> so I tried to change with the command Sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh
> xserver-xorg and whem I try it i comes this:
> Warning: Overwriting possibly-customised...........and so and so and
> so.....

And I suppose you let it overwrite the config file?

> I try everything but I cant go on my desktop I can hear the sounds but
> my monitor just stays black... Why Am I getting this Warning and I cant
> change my monitor settings??? I will be very glad if you can help me.

You could provide some more information. Perhaps then somebody has an idea 
what to do.

- What version of Ubuntu did you install?
- Was it a fresh installation or an upgrade?
- What type of video card are you using?
- What type of monitor are you using?


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