Intrepid Sound Problems

David Fox dfox94085 at
Sat Nov 15 02:15:54 UTC 2008

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 12:43 PM, Karl Larsen <k5di at> wrote:

>    I tried the w32codecs which was worthless, turned of PulseAudio
> worthless, and began to wonder what is going on.

For some reason, w32codecs was not installed in Intrepid, and
apt-cache policy w32codecs returns (none) for an installation
candidate, so that means to me that it can't be installed, and I
believe I have all the restricted / medibuntu repositories for
intrepid enabled, and I remember having it installed (as far as I can
remember, that is) when I first installed Hardy earlier this year.

Pulseaudio is not enabled and nothing connects to it here, and that
might be a gnome thing, and as far as I can tell, I don't need it.

I mostly listen to radio station content and my own collection of mp3s
and oggs, and haven't found something that can't be played. And, I
have sound in youtube and other video sites (cnn etc) and get sound
with vlc and mplayerplugin and so forth.

The only sound related issue I had was with amarok-neon which is in
beta test - as soon as I did the intrepid dist-upgrade, it acted like
it could play the stuff but no sound came out through the speakers.
But that is a known bug, and was recently resolved a day or so ago.

> Karl

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