SOLVED intrepid problem

NoOp glgxg at
Sat Nov 15 01:14:30 UTC 2008

On 11/14/2008 12:07 PM, Derek Broughton wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 11/14/2008 03:58 AM, Derek Broughton wrote:
>>> I'm a little concerned that you appear to now have a hard-code
>>> menu.lst - the next time you update a kernel (today, if you keep up
>>> with updates!) you'll have the same problem, because your kernel
>>> won't be
>>> automatically added to the grub menu.  You have a work-around, not a
>>> fix.
>> Actually it should update just fine. 
> How?  It's never been updating before...  I'm pretty well convinced he 
> doesn't have any of the meta-comments needed for update-grub (at least 
> when I asked him to post his menu.lst, he didn't send any of that...)

I think that you _might_ be referring to another guy that posted his
menu.lst in response to Bill's issue, but I could be wrong.
 Bill hasn't quite gotten the hang of staying on a single thread & the
responses are so varied that I'd need all weekend to figure them out. :-)

Anyway, I had a similar issue with one of my machines - in fact the
exact same issue with hardy. I think that a few others mentioned that
they had the same as well. Anyway, the lines/commands I recommended to
Bill worked for me & that machine has been updating just fine ever
since. So... WorksForMe & apparently is working for Bill. Who knows what
the real issue was, but I'm not willing to spend any more time trying to
ask Bill to tweak his system any further. If he has any further issues
then we'll (YTINW) work on them as they come along.

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