Need to install Ubuntu via USB

Loïc Grenié loic.grenie at
Fri Nov 14 15:23:41 UTC 2008

2008/11/14 Scott <slewin at>:
> The CD drive in my wife's laptop is broken, so I only have the option to
> install through USB and I have had nothing but severe problems.  I tried
> with both a 8.04.1 disk and a iso with "create a usb startup disk" and
> got the same outcome, a busybox shell prompt when trying to boot on the
> USB drive.

    There may be an error hidden by the initramfs. Try to type

cat /casper.log

  at the busybox prompt, the last line(s) should contain the error
  (if there is one).

     Hope this helps,

        Loïc Grenié

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