emacs22-nox and terminal app

Christoph Bier christoph.bier at web.de
Fri Nov 14 10:34:33 UTC 2008

EL schrieb:
> In ubuntu desktop 8.10, i  insstallled emacs22-nox. Hoping to use it in a
> traditional way: in a shall.
> Since the terminal app's menubar uses alt prefixed hotkeys, the metakey of
> emacs stopping work.
> So I have to turn teh menubar off everytime I use emacs. I wonder if there
> is a way to config my terminal defaulting to no menubar?
> Even if the menubar is turned off, I think c-w is not working. So I really
> need to know how to make emacs22-nox work correctly, or I have to use emacs
> gui?

I created a default profile for Emacs in gnome-terminal called emacs.

+++ Typografie-Regeln: http://zvisionwelt.de/downloads.html (1.6)

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