Ubuntu 8.10 on Eee PC 904
Gilles Gravier
gilles at gravier.org
Fri Nov 14 03:32:03 UTC 2008
Rajiv Vyas wrote:
> I got my Eee PC with Windoes XP and wanted to dual boot with Ununtu
> 8.10. How good is the Ubuntu EEE? And has anyone tried 8.10 on this
> machine?
There's a better alternative now. Install default Ubuntu 8.10... then
follow the instructions at http://www.array.org/ubuntu/ to install the
custom kernel. This works fantastic! Much cleaner solution than
UbuntuEEE with it's set of additional packages which don't survive a
distro update... :)
/*Gilles Gravier*/ *=* *Gilles at Gravier.org* <mailto:Gilles at Gravier.org>
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