procmail question

John Masters johnmasters at
Thu Nov 13 22:02:32 UTC 2008

On 21:45 Wed 12 Nov     , Linda wrote:
> I've been playing with delivering mail to the proper mail directory with 
> no luck. No matter what I do it delivers the mail to /var/mail/$USER 
> instead of to /var/mail/$USER/new or /var/mail/$USER/cur
> I even tried making the address explicit instead of $USER putting in a 
> users name to no avail. I can  then move the message files to the 
> subdirectory and it works for the mail client to pick it up from the 
> dovecot IMAP server

You do not need to specify the new/cur/tmp dirs as these are created as
needed: /new for unread and new messages, /cur for read messages and
/tmp for, you guessed it.

If you do somthing like

* ^TO_ubuntu-users at

the .Ubuntu dir will be created the first time a message is received that
contains 'ubuntu-users at' in the To or Cc headers, and
the cur/new/tmp directories will be created also. 

Regards, John

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