VLC or Totem under WUBI 8.10 fail

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Thu Nov 13 14:07:48 UTC 2008

Mark H. Nichols wrote:
> I am experimenting with 8.10 via Wubi on a ThinkPad Z60m prior to 
> backing up my personal data, formatting the drive, and installing 
> Ubuntu as the sole operating system on that machine.
> So far I have been unable to get DVD playback to work.  I've tried 
> multiple movies using Totem, and always get the same error, "unable to 
> read source."  Last evening I installed VLC (sudo apt-get install vlc) 
> and also libdvdcss2, but was unable to view any DVD I tried.  VLC just 
> doesn't work, no error messages are displayed.
> Is there a "feature" in Wubi that prevents DVD playback?  I really 
> want to convert this machine from XP to Ubuntu, but from time to time 
> it is pressed into service as a DVD player, and I want some assurance 
> I'll be able to use it that way.
> tia,
> Mark
> -- 
> mark nichols
> Registered Linux User # 458073
    Well I think your operating Ubuntu from within Windows. This may be 
the problem. But I too am having trouble even with Hardy! When I try to 
get libdvdcss2 it doesn't work for some reason. I have it on this Hardy 
but not on my lap-top.

    Due to the legal problems the method for getting Multimedia to work 
on Linux is weird.

    Are you sure you got the lib?



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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