How to find what 'new' packages have been installed?

Ray Parrish crp at
Thu Nov 13 06:11:59 UTC 2008


I don't know how to get a list of the programs I've installed in Ubuntu 
myself, but I do know a couple of ways of looking up a list of *all* of 
the software installed on your system. The first is just a quick 
inventory of the following folders contents. Open Terminal and issue the 
following commands.

cd /usr/share/doc

Then we run the ls command to get a list of the folders in that folder, 
which will correspond directly with your installed packages, one folder 
for each installed package.

ls -a --group-directories-first

There is also a very large file that contains your entire installed 
software list with details about what versions everything currently is, 
and descriptions of what all of the packages do. It is located here -


It's a text file so you can load it in your web browser.

Later, Ray Parrish

Chris G wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 11:49:36AM -0800, NoOp wrote:
>> On 11/12/2008 09:30 AM, Chris G wrote:
>>> Is there a way to find out what packages have been installed by the
>>> user (i.e. me) after the inital installation of an Ubuntu system?
>>> I like to record what I have added (and why) in the way of
>>> customisation so that the next time I build a system I have some hints
>>> available. 
>> Open Synaptic and use File|History.
>> You can then copy & paste to a gedit file and add notes & save for your
>> records.
>> I'm sure that Synaptic gets the logs from somewhere, so perhaps someone
>> can adivse & you can then access directly.
> Synaptic's history is only its own history, I tend to do most things
> from the command line using apt-get so they don't appear in synaptic.

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