GDM doesn't display on widescreen

Chris G cl at
Wed Nov 12 09:57:19 UTC 2008

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 07:46:37PM -0800, Samuel Rohde wrote:
> When I turn my computer on, the GDM doesn't display on my 32" widescreen ever since I updated to Ubuntu 8.10. I can still log in, I just type my user name and pass but I can't see the screen. How can I fix this problem? Please help.
It seems to me that gdm is pretty 'unintelligent' regarding screen
resolutions etc.  When I set my resolution to 1600x1200 in X all sorts
of oddities appeared when going into and out of X from gdm.  The login
screen is some other resolution than 1600x1200 (not quite sure what)
then after logging in a screen with a cursor appears at low
resolution, this then disappears (blank screen) for a few seconds and
finally my X desktop starts appearing at 1600x1200.

It all seems a bit messy and amateurish.

Chris Green

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