[OT] tablet

Gary Baribault gary at baribault.net
Tue Nov 11 16:42:13 UTC 2008

I have an N800 and find it quite good .. There is the N810 which
exchanges one memory (SD) slot and the FM Radio chip for a GPS and a
physical keyboard, but I'll stick with the N800. It runs a version of
Linux based on Debian and is a lot of fun. I now use it as my
PDA/PIM/MP3 and ultra small NetBook .. Some folks add an external
bluetooth keyboard, but I have an Aspire One for when I need a real
keyboard and a larger monitor. (running IBEX of course).

Gary Baribault
Courriel: gary at baribault.net
GPG Key: 0x4346F013
GPG Fingerprint: BCE8 2E6B EB39 9B23 6904 1DF4 C4E6 2CF7 4346 F013

Linda wrote:
> Verde Denim wrote:
>> I've been offered a gift from my parents of a pda.
>> I was looking through the archives for something that I can hack with
>> regarding Linux, and found the N770.
>> The N800 seems to be an upgrade from this. Would the N800 be a better
>> choice?
>> Or are there other suggestions as well...
>> Thanks for the help.
>> Jack
> You might find this helpful the Linux Journal devoted a lot of space to
> handhelds and gadgets in this months issue
> http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/9724
> Linda

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