Intrepid botches

Erik Christiansen dvalin at
Tue Nov 11 10:55:33 UTC 2008

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 02:56:04AM -0700, Karl Larsen wrote:
> For some reason Intrepid sets low maximum size for all of it's
> directories. For example, the limit for the /home/karl/Desktop on
> Intrepid is less than 699 MB!

I'm probably going to regret this, but Karl would you care to describe
how you imagine linux constrains the size of ~/Desktop to such a figure?

>     So I was d/l the Alternate CD of 8.04 and it was almost there with 
> just 30 minutes to go and now I look and there is an error message 
> saying there was too little space to store the file!!!! Sorry it says.

Could you please post the output of:

$ df -k

Does your home partition by any chance show 100%? (Minus some minfree,

>     I'm now 2% done with my second d/l of this file to 
> /home/karl/Desktop/ on Hardy. I expect I have enough space...I always 
> have for years!

There are two ways to go through life: Attempt to impose an internal
model on the real world (Managers so often fail because they are prone
to this.); Or observe reality, learn, adapt, change what can be changed.

You can do:

$ df -k ~/Desktop

to show just the home partition, but we'd better see them all.

>     If anyone knows how to measure the size limit on a directory I would 
> like to know it.

We probably all would.


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