Trouble Logging In as Root

Nils Kassube kassube at
Mon Nov 10 14:58:40 UTC 2008

Mark Haney wrote:
> > Ignore the advice to set a root password.
> NEVER leave root without a 
> password.  PERIOD.  

Why do I need a root password if the root account is locked? Clifford 
didn't advise to use a blank password but to leave the root account 

> This is not only probably the biggest security hole 
> ever, it's just plain wrong.  Root is (in the phrasing of Ric Flair)
> 'THE MAN'.  It can do everything.  Anyone leaving root exposed runs a
> big risk.

Then it is even better to have no root password set with but keep the root 
account locked to reduce the exposure, or am I missing something?

> I am aware of the fact that Ubuntu gives sudo access to virtually
> everything for the first user, 

But you don't seem to be aware that the root account doesn't have a blank 
password but we have a locked root account. You simply can't login as 
root unless you intentionally set a root password.

> but let's examine the possibilities 
> here. Let's say I compromise your system's primary user account. I can
> sudo into root, then lock everyone else out with a couple changes to
> sudo using visudo as well as edit the root passwd.  What do you do
> then? You're busted.  Period.  There is no real recovery from that,
> because even with a rescue CD you pretty much need to know the root
> passwd. 

Why that? I use the Ubuntu LiveCD and can easily get a root shell 
with "sudo su". Then I can mount the HD of the compromised system and 
make changes to get access again.


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