Linux as a virtual machine on Windows

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Mon Nov 10 07:13:55 UTC 2008

On Sun, 2008-11-09 at 21:08 -0500, Bruce Corbin wrote:
> That's a good question.  I don't know the actual application.  I guess
> for now "good" would involve me setting up a demonstration machine
> that works well.  Low initial investments of time and money would be
> desired.  Demonstrating a machine that runs several applications well
> is probably as far as I need to go. 

I see. In this case, pick interesting applications that work well from
the Wine compatibility database:

An alternative (costs money, but guarantees that some applications work
has a nice configuration application) might be Codeweaver's Crossover, a
commercial variant of Wine. They are good citizens and give back to the
Wine project:

However, when showing off your demo you need to emphasize that
compatibility must be evaluated on an app-per-app basis. Just because
application A works must not mean that B will work, too

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