Intrepid problems

Karl Larsen k5di at
Sun Nov 9 18:41:44 UTC 2008

Walter Garcia-Fontes wrote:
> * Karl Larsen [09/11/08 02:10]:
>>     Yes I know but I can't figure out why MY intrepid can't d/l it. And 
>> I seem not to be getting any updates either. It loaded just fine.
> It would be useful to get help if you paste the output that you get
> from "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" at a terminal window.
    The problem was with the source for the software. All of a sudden I 
got a request to send me 130 new updates and after that I was able to 
apt-get install joe and thunderbird.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
   PGP 4208 4D6E 595F 22B9 FF1C  ECB6 4A3C 2C54 FE23 53A7

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