Stupid Ubuntu 8.10

NoOp glgxg at
Sun Nov 9 15:33:48 UTC 2008

On 11/08/2008 01:48 PM, Francisco Borges wrote:
> ยป On Sat, Nov 08, 2008 at 04:42AM -0500, vafa at wrote:
>> If I copy (sudo cp -r dirname) a directory to a root directory (where
>> TeX is installed), then I can not use it in ubuntu 8.10.  
>> Any idea how to resolve this problem?
> You probably have the ownership of the directory set to root, and now
> you can't use it as a regular user.
> Check the directory permissions:
> ls -la /MyDirectory
> to change the ownership of a directory or of files use 
> sudo chown -R vafa.vafa /MyDirectory

Perhaps you mean:

sudo chown -R vafa:vafa /MyDirectory

notice the colon between vafa and vafa vs the period.

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