Using a NETGEAR - G USB 2 WG111v3 Adaptor with Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop Edition (64 bit).

Craig Sharpe galactic7 at
Sat Nov 8 23:52:46 UTC 2008

I cannot get my Netgear - G USB 2.0 Adaptor WG111v3 working with Ubuntu.

I've got the AMD Socket 939 Procerssor Motherboard 64 bit processor, and
I've set up my system using Windows XP Pro and Ubuntu in a dual boot
configuration.  Windows has access to the internet through the wireless and
I want Ubuntu to have access too. I'm having difficulty using the wirelesss
adaptor in Ubuntu.

Ubuntu cannot recognise the adaptor. The notes on the support page on the
ubuntu web site are difficult to understand.

Could you please get me started with some simple advice.

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