Intrepid problems

NoOp glgxg at
Sun Nov 9 01:52:36 UTC 2008

On 11/08/2008 05:39 PM, Karl Larsen wrote:
> NoOp wrote:

>> If you see errors then that should
>> provide a clue.
> There appear to be no errors on the updates. I guess in fact I am using 
> bad resorces for the other things. Now the Update Manager is giving me 
> 152 updates. I think maybe it will be ok tomorrow :-)

I suspect we all will :-)

You still might want to check your repo & select an alternate, perhaps

You can check using Applications|Software Sources|Download from|Other
and check 'United States'. Note: 'Select Best Server' isn't very
reliable either; it just uses ping to test the servers. For instance, I
just checked and it selects Thailand as my best ''
and that's just plain silly -- I use (University of San
Francisco) as it's nearby and has never failed me yet. Plus it's about
30 miles from me & has always provided full speed downloads.

> Karl
>>  Also, you might want to try another repo server as quite
>> often I find the standard Ubuntu repo servers to be unreliable.

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