Strange Optical drive problem

NoOp glgxg at
Sun Nov 9 00:09:22 UTC 2008

On 11/08/2008 12:53 PM, Nigel Henry wrote:

> I was born in Jersey, Channel Islands. In the central market, an impressive 
> building built in Victorian times with much ironwork, and a fountain with 
> goldfish in it (much fun for the kiddies), there was a shop named the Red 
> Triangle Stores. They sold childrens toys, model trains, electrical bits, and 
> pieces, etc. They had a sawdust barrel just inside the door, in which were 
> hidden various things, colouring books, little toys, etc. You'd pay your 
> money, and could thrust your hand into the barrel, hoping to pull out some 
> wonderfull prize. Often it was something you didn't want.
> Trying to come up with a fix for your problem is a bit like that. I thrust my 
> hand into the barrel, thinking "there must be a solution in here somewhere". 
> Fishing about for a while, and feeling various things, I grab hold of 
> something, saying "this must be it", but no, just another colouring book.

I like the analogy :-)

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