Hardy - Proposed Grub & initramfs-tools update

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat Nov 8 18:17:30 UTC 2008

I note in my 'Proposed' updates today a new Grub  & initramfs-tools update:

Version 0.97-29ubuntu21.1:

  * debian/patches/grub-install_better_raid.diff: backported from Intrepid;
    install grub on multiple disks in a RAID. (LP: #290885)
  * debian/patches/00list: updated accordingly

Version 0.85eubuntu39.3:

  * Functionality backported from Intrepid to Hardy to support booting
    degraded RAID, LP: #290885.
  * scripts/functions: Adjust the mountroot failure hooks framework to
    that used in Intrepid, renaming the function so as not to break other
    callers in Hardy
  * scripts/local: Add get_fstype() and root_missing() helper functions
    and fix the root_missing loop

Anyone tried these yet? I get nervous anytime there is an update like
this & just wondered if anyone has taken the plunge first.

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