Hello World!

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat Nov 8 01:13:25 UTC 2008

On 11/07/2008 12:23 AM, Dhon G. Buenavista wrote:
> Good Day!
> Today, i've just download the ubuntu server 8.10 version and am goin 
> to install it now. Quite scary coz i'm new to this linux thing, 
> though i'm pushing myself to learn/explore more bout it.
> My reason of installing ubuntu, is that, i want to migrate our 3.12 
> Netware. For now, i only want the samba server to run and maybe after 
> that, other cool stuff that ubuntu could offer. Hope you guys can 
> help me this process. I'm new to this stuff so expect a lot of 
> question from me.
> Thanks a lot for this wonderful stuff. Hope i could learn from it 
> easily or slowly.

In addition to what others have posted; if you are new to linux I
_strongly_ recommend that you install the 8.04 (hardy) server version
instead of 8.10 (intrepid) to test. 8.10 is still very new and quite
frankly, it is still very much in the debug stage. 8.04 is a _stable_
LTS (Long Term Support) release; meaning that many of the bugs have been
worked out and and will be supported for quite some time.

Example - the Hardy (8.04) releases will be supported until:
April 2011 (Desktop)
April 2013 (Server)
and 8.10 will reach EOL April 2010.


For Samba:

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